The DCFutures FanFiction Group recognizes that Batman and all related characters are property of DC Comics. These stories are written for no profit, but rather a strong desire to peer into the future of the DCU. The stories and concepts presented herein, however, are property of the author. So there. **** BATMAN: DCF #54 **** Written by Erik Burnham **** BATMAN created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger **** "Cognecious" **** “Long time no see, eh Tim?” There were no words. “Oh come on now, kid. Don’t play the strong silent type. I know that part too well – and it doesn’t suit you at all.” Alucard Holmes was alive. “You could at least thank me for saving your life – and you would’ve died, you know. That second blast atomized at least eight feet of earth.” “You’re supposed to be dead.” “Oh yeah? And how do you know that? Did a little birdie tell all?” “I have my ways.” “Certainly. Either the robot hacked through the top-line League security, or Justice raved about it before he broke half the bones in your body… am I close?” “What do you want with me?” “I want to shape you, Tim. Mold you into a better Batman. Wasn’t that always my goal? Sit down.” “I think I’ll be leaving,” Tim said. “No. The Batmobile is a smoking ruin in Greenland. Your costume – it’s in shreds. If you could even make it outside, your airfoils would never make it all the way back to NorAm. Now sit.” Fine, Tim thought. Until an option presents itself… “Now then, Tim, let’s talk about me. The last Justice--” “So there’s more than one?” “Of course there is. Don’t interrupt. Now then, the last Justice had started to lose his mind. His rationale was just going straight to hell; it was only a matter of time before he decided I was unnecessary. And he did. Luckily, with foresight, it was easy enough to predict. I sent in a hasty genetic construct. He never even noticed that someone with all of Bruce Wayne’s fighting skill didn’t put up any sort of a fight whatsoever. But ah well, eh? Back to the point. I’m sure you’re sick of all the conspiratorial events in your life. I exposed some of them to you before.” Holmes chuckled. “Now, I aim to finish the job.” **** Warrior’s Bar. Closed for renovation. In fact, if you wanted to be technical, it was practically condemnable. But Guy Gardner didn’t believe in lost causes. He wasn’t going to let his place be torn down just on account of some holes in the walls. Still… “Mebbe you were right, Ollie.” “About what?” “The whole ‘headquarterin’ at home’ thing.” Some time ago, Oliver Kismet Hawke and Guy Gardner – along with several other individuals – had, at the urging of the Batman, joined forces as The Team with No Name. They’d managed a lot of good, too… but that didn’t stop the morons who’d woken up one day with energy powers from trying to make names for themselves by taking Guy and Ollie down. “I suppose we could always dock Plastic Man’s pay.” That gave Guy his first laugh of the day. Ollie continued: “Although it probably comes down to a simple choice.” “Yeah – quit or relocate.” “Or plan on regular renovations, yes.” “I dunno ‘bout you, but I like playin’ hero.” “So quitting is out?” “Way out.” “Then we set up shop elsewhere. What are our options?” “We could always check out Bats’ cave.” “Do you think he’d trust the others with his identity?” “Good point.” Ollie sighed. “We could always, I suppose, build a headquarters somewhere.” Guy was about to agree when he heard someone at the door. “We’re closed, pallie.” “Is that so?” The voice sounded familiar to Guy, but he couldn’t quite place it. “I’d just saw your place on the news, figured I could maybe help you out of the bind you’re in.” “What bind is that?” “You’re looking for a new headquarters, as you put it a moment ago, right?” The voice’s owner stepped closer, and Guy recognized him. “Well, perhaps I can offer you something reasonable…” [Wanna know the identity of the mystery visitor? Check out issue #5 of INFINITY INC: DCF --- due out relatively soon!] **** “Before I continue,” Holmes smiled. “Can I offer you anything to drink?” “I’m fine.” Holmes shrugged as he ordered himself a martini. “Very well… let’s get on with the dispensation of all this conspiracy, hmm?” “Let’s.” “To start with, you know you’re a genetic construct – not quite a clone, nor exactly a human being. Justice was adamant, given his own origins, that none of his own tampered genetic material be used. So I went elsewhere. The base code belonged to Barbara Gordon… but we weren’t looking to make a Batwoman, so more had to be added to the mix. So I raided the League’s genetic stores. I suppose I could’ve made you into another Damage, mixed in a bit of all the famous Leaguers of the day, but I chose to keep things simple. I added a bit of Drake’s DNA and that’s not even to mention the fact that in your head is a wonderful recreation of the mutant brain that belonged to Ted Kord. Did you know he was able to use a larger percentage of his brain than the average telepath? And without superhuman powers, no less. Marvelous.” “I know all this.” “But did you believe it?” “Get on with it.” “I’m sure you’ve done all the homework you could on yourself, given what was stolen from my personal files. You know that you’re stronger, and faster, and have keener senses than any normal man. You know that since you have a superhuman’s brain, you learn and retain at an accelerated rate. You know that future advancements are possible…” “What?” “Oh you DON’T know? It was all in the notes. Perhaps you weren’t shown all there is to see?” Tim said nothing. “I left a back door in your genetic structure, Tim. You can be so much more than you are.” “And I suppose you want to help me.” “Of course.” “Why.” “Skepticism?” “You tell me.” “I want to improve the world, Tim. I don’t like the way it’s gone. You can call me a hero for it, or a villain. It doesn’t really matter. The point of it is that I want change and I will have it… I only have to move the pieces on the board in the right manner. You are one of those pieces, Tim… and if I want to win, I must use you to your potential.” “What if I don’t want to be used?” “You will be, one way or the other. By me – or by someone else. By doing nothing, you just help someone else. And in this case, Tim, all you need to do to help me is what you normally would… if you don’t want these enhancements you don’t need them. But if you do… I can tell you all you need to know.” “What about Ennis?” “What about him? He was a pawn, Timothy. I gave him a nasty flu and told him what I needed him to say to get you to do what I knew you would.” “Attack Justice?” “Yes.” “And what good does that do?” “Think about it. As far as they’re concerned right now, you’re atomized. The Batman that you were is dead to the League. No one outside the original Justice and myself had access to the files containing your true identity. No one still alive, anyway. And your purging of my files has made sure it stays that way. I’ve given you back an element of surprise.” “Are you aware you talk more than Bruce Wayne ever did?” “No, I talk more than he did when running around in tights. But genetically, he’s predisposed to talking. Manipulation was his thing, after all.” **** A flash and the sound of thunder shook the Batcave to it’s very foundations. Clark was there immediately. “Who are you,” he demanded. “Relax, Clark – it’s me.” “Tim??” “Yep.” Ever since Clark had met this new Batman he had only seen him in an all black uniform. But wherever Tim had been, he picked up a new tailor. His new costume was dark grey – a mere shade’s difference from his midnight hued cloak. The bright red bat insignia was gone as well, replaced with a much darker model. He looked so much like Bruce, it was enough to frighten. “You’ll have to excuse me now Clark,” Tim said, removing his cowl and heading over to the cave’s lab. “I have a lot of work to do…” **** TO BE CONTINUED! **** NEXT ISSUE: Part two of the crossover with INFINITY INC: DCF! So what do you want to do? Read Iinc #5 (due out soon!) And then wait for Bats 55 and the saga I like to call – “If I told you what I like to call it, you’d know the whole plot!” Be back soon! **** GOING BATTY **** *sob* I miss the letters I used to get! But that’s okay. Hope y’all are enjoying what’s been happening. Lemme know, and I’ll see ya back here soon! -E Visit Gotham: Visit the DCF Message Board: