- Heritage
Collecting issues 1-3 of Batman: DCF, this TPB tells the story of Timothy
Drake II and how he came to be the Batman of the future. It also introduces Alfred,
a DCF fan-favorite character. Introduction by Jason Tippitt.
- Joker's
Collecting issues 4-9 of Batman: DCF, this TPB introduces not only the mad
Dr. Jeremy Wight - aka the Joker Killer, but also brings time traveller Booster Gold to
the Bat-Cast. Introduction by Mark "Keravin" Peyton.
- The
Collecting issues 10-13 of Batman: DCF, this TPB gives Tim Drake the
ultimate mentor: Clark Kent. Introduction by Bruce Bachand.
- Stop Me
If You've Heard This One
Collecting issues 14-17 of Batman: DCF, this TPB chronicles the return of
Jeremy Wight -- and he's more powerful than he was before. In fact, he's got
telepathic abilities that are causing a great stir in Gotham. How can the relatively
inexperienced Batman take down such a villain? Find out. Introduction by
D. David Lee.
- TimeQuake
Collecting issues 35-36 of Batman: DCF, this TPB throws Bruce Wayne into
the DCF -- and Tim Drake into the present! See our heroes as fish out of water, and
find out how they react to their new times! Introduction by Alex Cook
Guest Appearances
- The Doom Patrol
Codex of the Doom Patrol has this aversion to someone going around
pretending to be the Batman... and he's gonna make sure the mockery stops. by
Ed "I am the LEMUR" Burke
#6: "The Long Dark Night"
- HellBlazer
A new Batman and an old Superman playing poker with John Constantine...
sheesh. by D. David Lee
#8: "Poker Night"
- The Mercy Seat
A gruesome murder that a child may have to relive unless... try this
killer noir by Jason "Vachss" Tippitt
- She is Shiva
In San Francisco there lives the inheritor to the name of Shiva. You
don't want to mess with her, but some people just can't take good advice. Like
Zorro. by Nick "The Disappearing Englishman" Bryan
- The Clash
Tim Drake is the Batman, and new at his role. Sarah Challa is Lady
Shiva, confident and deadly. When she hits Gotham -- will Tim escape a whuppin'? by
Nick "I'm Not Here" Bryan
- Spandex Spotlight: Batman
Holonovelist Geraldo Chung is investigating Gotham -- and before he's
done, he may just have the answer to the question: who is Batman? by D.
David "I Luau" Lee
- Yesterday's Crimes
An adventure with former GCPD Commissioner Mark Grayson by
Jessie "Stormangel" Davis
Regular Series
- Batman: DCF
#18: Squad Run (part 1 of 4)
Featuring the Suicide Squad in a four-part, two-title crossover, the Squad
thinks to recruit the Batman! Part one is told through Tim's perspective.
Continued in Suicide Squad #11.
- Batman: DCF
#19: Squad Run (part 3 of 4)
Featuring the Suicide Squad in a four-part, two-title crossover, the Squad
moves their focus from Batman to... Tim Drake? Oh, brilliant move. Concluded
in Suicide Squad #12
- Batman: DCF
#20: Crossed Paths
When Tim was a young man, a Justice Leaguer named Bradley Carrington, aka
The Penguin, visited to attempt to recruit Tim into the League's special schools.
He's changed somewhat since then... Part one of two.
- Batman: DCF
#21: Crossed Paths
Part two of two, this shows the method of Carrington's madness, as well as
why he quit the League... and his partner is revealed as... Batgirl?!?
- Batman: DCF
#25: Revelations Galore
Alucard Holmes reveals to Tim the secrets of his origin as the Batman.
Also, contributions by Dan Ben-Zvi, Jason Tippitt, Bryan Hall and Tommy Hancock to
back the main story up!
- Batman: DCF
#29: Mercury Blues
An "And Justice For All" prelude, guest starring Mercury of the
Suicide Squad. Tim has a heart to heart with the speedster in a small bar in Italy
just before the Squad decides to attack Alcatraz Island and Justice himself!
- Batman: DCF
#30: Homecoming
After a severe beating at the hands of Justice and an extensive period of
recuperation on Danny the Street, Tim Drake *finally* returns to Gotham City!
- Batman: DCF
#33: Happy New Year
Guest-starring Sandman! The Gotham City beat cops have been on
strike. In an effort to sway them back to the force, Tim invites them all to a
lavish new year's party... which is unfortunately crashed by the Kangaroo Court!
- Batman: DCF
#38: Scar Tissue
Tim Drake faces crises both in and out of costume! Learn more about
Ennis Hobbs and watch as the Vigilante finally catches up with the Batman! It's the
battle SOMEONE has to have been waiting for!
- Batman: DCF
#39: Inside Out
Mr. Mxyzptlk drops in on the Batcave and gives Tim the last present he
ever wanted -- three wishes, Mxy style!
- Batman: DCF #46: Dream Me
A Dream
Tim Drake finds himself back in his subconscious, at the mercy of the
dream being Ashley Braye! There's a mental block in Tim's mind - and Braye admits
his curiosity...
- Batman: DCF #47: Hot Time
Clark Kent alone faces the spread of the plague known as Firebrand!
Featuring a back up story starring Ashley Braye.
- BATMAN: DCF #51 - "The Hill"
A strange revelation that puts Tim on an angry path, this short-but-sweet issue
sets up a HUGE story for Batman!