Batman DCF
Alter Ego: Timothy Patrick Drake II
Description: Black hair, mole on neck, 6'2, 200 lbs, tattoo of broken heart
under left clavicle, right handed.
Powers: He DOES have some! Think Captain America. They were implanted to
speed Tim on his way. He's better at everything - but not so much that you'd catch it as a
meta trait. He can bench close to half a ton if he put his back into it. And
he's wicked smaht -- ah, genetics.
Characteristics: Temperamental. He uses humor to shield himself from
anger and sadness. Somewhat of a womanizer. Severe rage, however, sets in on the
subject of rape... it's one of the few things that Tim can't shrug off. Tim fluently
speaks Italian and sign language. (His mother was both and he loved her dearly.)
Costume: Black. Similar to the original Batman's, save for a face mask
beneath the cowl and a large red bat shield on his chest.